The primary function of accounting and auditing is to provide management with accurate and timely information. The greater value of this service is the recommendations we can make based on that information.
Accounting & Auditing Services
Depending upon your needs, Shriver & Company can perform an audit, review, or compilation engagement of your company's financial statements. In addition to providing an independent evaluation, we can make specific recommendations to improve your accounting operations, based on the results of our engagement.
An audit offers the highest level of assurance that we can provide for a client's financial statements. An audit involves examining evidence supporting financial statement amounts and disclosures as well as assessing the accounting principles used, significant estimates made by management and the overall financial statement presentation. In an audit the independent CPA expresses an opinion as to whether the financial statements present fairly the entity's financial position and results of operation.
A review, while not as extensive as an audit, still provides limited assurance that a client's financial statements conform to generally accepted accounting principles. In a review the independent CPA performs analytical procedures and makes inquiries of client personnel to determine whether the financial statements conform with generally accepted accounting principles.
A compilation consists of presenting in the form of financial statements, information supplied by management. No opinion or assurance, however, is expressed regarding the soundness of the statements from a compilation. In many cases it is necessary for the CPA to perform other accounting services, such as assisting the client with adjusting journal entries, before the financial statements can be prepared.
Shriver & Company encourages you to consult our advisors to determine which level of assurance is most appropriate for your company at a particular time.
Other Accounting Services
A business' ability to meet the rapid changes in its industry depends on accurate and timely information. Our professional advisors perform the accounting and advisory services that are essential for planning and effective decision making. Our team can assist your accounting department, or we can function as an extension of your department.
We offer many professional services, including:- Preparation of financial statements
- Implementation of accounting systems
- Consultation with your personnel
- Assistance in account adjustments
- Review of accounting controls and procedures
- Setting up and maintaining fixed asset and depreciation records